Cash Loan Solutions Near Rancho Cordova, CA

If you need some extra dollars to pay bills or go on vacation, you could put it on a credit card or head to the bank to borrow funds, but why not consider an alternative? Since ancient times, pawnbrokers have been giving customers instant cash loans based on the value of collateral property, and that practice is still alive and well today. At Capital City Loan & Jewelry, any of our four convenient Sacramento locations will give you an honest appraisal of your piece and lend you money to get you on your way. Our dedication to convenient service is just one of the reasons why we're the friendliest pawn shop in town.
Giving a cash loan through services in Rancho Cordova, CA

Money When You Really Need It

There are certainly different ways to get a cash loan, but it's worth a look at the benefits that come from the world's oldest form of banking. When you bring an item to a pawnbroker, he or she will assess its value and negotiate an appropriate amount that you'll have 120 days to repay with interest. The entire process takes five minutes, and unlike predatory lenders, the pawn industry is regulated in the state of California to ensure low-interest rates and confidential transactions. An added benefit to this type of lending is that there's no negative impact on your credit score. If you're unable to repay, your item simply becomes property of the store.

No Credit Necessary

Whenever you need money and you have something collecting dust on the shelf, bring it into one of Capital City Loan & Jewelry's four Sacramento locations to get maximum value for your item and ensure its safety during repayment. We buy and sell gold, electronics, power tools and pretty much anything else that's valuable, so let us help you out with a convenient pawn loan. Give us a call at 916-334-7296, and let's make a deal today!
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